Backend Routing

If you want to add a custom page in the backend, normally you need to attach it to the route tree.

There are three main points where to attach new routes, and they should always be used. Especially adding top level items should only be done by Mayd extensions themselves.

Adding these routes to tree works by setting the options.tree.parent key and a .title.

            parent: mayd.content

The .title will be translated in the backend domain.

Instead of adding all custom pages flat into the three main sections, you can nest your page yourself, by using tab navigations. It is a great idea to combine for example different CRUDs to the same topic on the same β€œarea”.

Section: Content

Parent: mayd.content

Intended for everything that is content inside the pages. Normally all content-related CRUD manager are attached here.

Section: Settings

Parent: mayd.settings

Things that are user-facing settings like forms or website settings are attached here.

Section: Technical

Parent: mayd.technical

These are settings that are very technical and should probably only ever set by a super admin / developer.