Default Templates

This page lists all default templates, that are officially part of the API of Mayd and can be used for your backend views.

Generic Form

A page that simply shows a single form.

Screenshot of a generic form page.
return $this->render("@MaydCore/form/generic-form.html.twig", $variables);
formFormViewThe form itself.
pageTitlestringWill be translated in the form domain.
pageTitleParametersarray[]Optional translation parameters for the pageTitle.
abortUrlstringundefinedOptional URL for an "abort" button.
abortLabelstring"..."Will be translated in the form domain.
proceedLabelstring"..."Will be translated in the form domain.
helpIntroHtmlstring""A intro help text for the form. Will be pasted raw, so must be HTML escaped.
breadcrumbarray[]Breadcrumb entries. key = label, value = url (nullable). Default [pageTitle => null].

Empty Message

An empty message for any view. Regularly used when dealing with empty ViewFilters.

Screenshot of an "empty" page.
return $this->render("@MaydCore/message/empty.html.twig", $variables);
messagestringWill be translated in the backend domain.
pageTitlestringWill be translated in the backend domain.
pageTitleParametersarray[]Optional translation parameters for the pageTitle.
actionsarray[]Additional action links. key = label, value = url (nullable)
breadcrumbarray[]Breadcrumb entries. key = label, value = url (nullable). Default [pageTitle => null].

Page Properties

Backend page for a custom page properties page.

Screenshot of a page properties page.
return $this->render("@MaydPages/page/properties/properties-form.html.twig", $variables);
formFormViewThe form itself.
pageTitlestringWill be translated in the form domain.
pageTitleParametersarray[]Optional translation parameters for the pageTitle.
proceedLabelstring"..."Will be translated in the form domain.

Simple CRUD Manager

Renders a simple page with just a headline and a CRUD.

Screenshot of a simple CRUD manager page.
return $this->render("@MaydCore/crud/simple-crud.html.twig", $variables);
headlinestringWill be translated in the backend domain.
optionsarray[]The options for the CRUD. See CRUD for details.
options.headlineTranslationParamsstringOptional translation parameters for the headline.
breadcrumbarray[]Breadcrumb entries. key = label, value = url (nullable). Default [pageTitle => null].
contextarray[]The CRUD context.